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하원사무처 (The Secretariat of the House of Representatives)
주소 : 1111 Samsen Road, Thanon Nakhon Chai Si, Dusit, Bangkok 10300, THAILAND
대표전화 +66 2242 5900 (8.30 am. – 4.30 pm.)
Fax. +66 2242 5990
Web site: https://www.parliament.go.th/ewtadmin/ewt/parliament_parcy/main.php?filename=interparliament2___EN
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의회외교 담당업무 (3 층):
1. 국제회의국 Bureau of Inter-Parliamentary Organizations :
- 국제의회연맹 담당과 (Inter – Parliamentary Union (IPU) Division) :
Tel. +66 2242 5900 ext. 5611

- 아세안의회총회 담당과 (ASEAN Inter – Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) Division) :
Tel. +66 2242 5900 ext. 5621
- 아시아태평양의원연맹 담당과 (Asian – Pacific Parliamentarians’ Union (APPU) Division) :
Tel. +66 2242 5900 ext. 5631

- 의회사무총장협회 담당과 (Association of Parliaments and Association of Secretaries General of Parliaments (ASGP) Division) :
Tel. +66 2242 5900 ext. 5641

- 기타 국제회의 담당과 (Special Affairs Division) :
Tel. +66 2242 5900 ext. 5651
- Fax. +66 2242 5997

2. 국제관계국 Bureau of International Relations:
- 의전과 (Protocol Division) :
Tel. +66 2242 5900 ext. 5671
- 의회 양자협력과 (Bilateral Parliamentary Relations Division) :
Tel. +66 2242 5900 ext. 5681
- 국제 정보지원 담당과 (International Information and News Division) :
Tel. +66 2242 5900 ext. 5691

- Fax. +66 2206 6554
+66 2206 6555

3. 외국어지원사무국 Bureau of Foreign Languages:
- 일본어 및 한국어 담당과 (Japanese and Korean Division) :
Tel. +66 2242 5900 ext. 7321
Fax. +66 2206 6331
+66 2206 6332
*대표전화8.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m. (GMT+7) 가능함.

Copyright © The Secretariat of the House of Representatives. All rights reserved. 태국 하원사무처 홈페이지의 모든 정보에 대한 권한은 국회에 있습니다.
(Tipco Tower) Rama VI Rd., Phayathai District, Bangkok 10400, Thailand Tel: +66 2 357-3100 ext. 3153
(Bureau of Inter-Parliamentary Organizations) ext. 3142 (Bureau of International Relations) ext. 3187 (Bureau of Foreign Languages)

Publication date 5 September 2016